You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop. - Rumi
Water makes up 71 % of the earths surface, and roughly 60% of our body weight. Water is life, it flows in us and around us, connecting us to matter and to each other. As we change and grow through out life, the core of our being, our souls, stay the same. Much like water, as it flows through its different states of matter, liquid, solid, gas; it remains molecularly 2 parts oxygen one part hydrogen.
The vastness of the oceans covers our world and connects us. The Atlantic Ocean connects the Old World and the New World. I am glowing from the pleasure I have from recently traveling to the ‘Old world’ for 2 separate mind, body and soul enriching retreats, and the message of water filled me with a need to explore.
The idea, and the action of sitting on a beach and starring out onto the ocean is a calming affect and can let us release. We ‘give it to the sea’, release what holds us and we feel free. We can feel so small as we gaze out onto the expanse of the ocean, but yet we realize that we are simply just a part of something bigger. We are indeed, just a drop, but we are the whole ocean.
During one part of our pilgrimage, we sat at a well in Inis Mohr, and took from it water to cleanse us. The three-part ceremony began when we washed away the pain we carried and gave ourselves forgiveness. It was profound. We drank from the well to give us life. A new life. I cannot tell you how joyful I felt to know that I do not have to carry that pain any longer. It lightened me. It allowed me to love myself on another level.
Secondly, we washed away the pain of our ancestors. It is through our ancestors that we are here. The pain and suffering they endured so that we may stand in their greatness and their wholeness. Their pain, like their joy and their sense of adventure fill us on a cellular level. We may not have been aware of this pain, until we go deeper in our understanding. The subtle generational trauma we carry, can hold us back from our full human potential. This ceremonial cleansing of our ancestral pain was rich with transformation into a deeper forgiveness.
Lastly, with pure love & joy, we took from the well, the cleansing water from the earth and spread peace throughout.
Water is in us, and around us. Through tears, we release pain from the body. Rain allows plants and animals to live and grow. Throughout history, and yet today, water is used to anoint and baptize the body. The first miracle of Christ involved turning water in to wine. Just as our breath, we cannot survive without water. Water, like ether, like cosmic energy, connects us to each other and the universe.
“There are no separate pieces in this creation- not one of us exists outside the whole” – Danna Faulds.