My Sankalpa for 2024 ~ Forgive
New Year , New You, New Opportunities
What is Sankalpa? A phrase, or just a word, that expresses your heartfelt desire. Not a goal, but an intention to move your life in a direction for the year. And with good intention and self-study, after the transformative year, it will be a part of you.
Each January we look forward with anticipation of a better year. Some people make resolutions that are goal oriented. Sanklapa is deeper than just a goal, it is an intention to make changes so that you have recreated your thoughts to make a better you.
Imperfection was my first sankalpa, several years ago. I embraced the idea of being imperfect. Resulting in accepting myself for who I am, and not what I am not. It was my best year ever!! So good, I choose it again the next year. I allowed myself to be the person I was meant to be. I added the idea of ‘instant forgiveness’ to myself and it was the freest I’d ever felt. These sankalpas may come to you quite easily or you may need to give yourself some time to find the idea that is meaningful to you.
This year I choose ‘Forgiveness’. To allow for forgiveness to those that have hurt me. Without any one reason, I just knew that there would be some event, hurt feeling, grudge, or conversation, that is lingering and holding me back. And if I am to move forward with love and light, I’ll need to let go of resentment and be purely accepting of what was and what is. We can’t change the past, but we can give it time, and understanding, and thank those that have given us an opportunity to learn from the things that didn’t go our way. Life is full of lessons, learn from them.
So this year I will commit to explore, with love, what I continue to hold onto like a hot coal. Buddha says ”holding on to anger is like holding on to a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned”. Embrace this new year!
Namaste, Lesa